
The Guaranteed Irish symbol helps consumers and businesses to identify products and services that are #AllTogetherBetter choices for communities across Ireland. Guaranteed Irish award the license to companies which provide quality jobs, support local communities and are committed to Irish provenance. Guaranteed Irish represents what holistic sustainability is all about and aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Guaranteed Irish Membership Represents
4 Core Pillars of Sustainability.






Guaranteed Irish promote quality, sustainable jobs for people living in Ireland.


Guaranteed Irish meaningfully engage with the local community.


Guaranteed Irish support members that genuinely operate and add value in Ireland.


Guaranteed Irish promote sustainability awareness to increase sustainable practices amongst members.

Guaranteed Irish and Holistic Sustainability

Karen Deignan of SustainabilityWorks is an expert in communications and behaviour change, and is a member of the Guaranteed Irish Appraisals Board.

Karen has developed sustainability strategies for major corporations around the world and created the stories that bring those strategies to life for employees, suppliers, and customers. Karen highlights the meaning of Guaranteed Irish membership and how it correlates with holistic sustainability.